Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vote Today or Pay Tomorrow

Vote! We hear this word every time we near an election. Just hear.

But how many of us actually realize the true meaning of it?
The true power which has been vested in us by the Government of India with a view that we the people are going to decide the fate of our country.

India being the largest democracy in the world gives you supremacy as you are the one who will decide who runs your country. By this freedom you also get to decide how your country would be run.

Now, we all know that registration can be a bit of a problem, but we all need to understand that it’s essential for our own betterment.

Parties while running campaign spend millions in attracting the public, but they somehow overlook the youth-market. Why?

Because the sad reality is that year after year, the percentages of youth who are actually eligible for voting turn their back on the voting system, thus causing a low turn-out.

Some may say that how would voting help? How does my single vote matter? But surely it does. They say that even a flutter of a butterfly’s wings can cause a tornado to form, similarly your single vote can create the butterfly effect which India is waiting for.


  1. Very well said Sir...people should realize that unless they dont take a step further, there wont be a revolution which they are hoping for

  2. the turnout in Mumbai was really sad..i had friends who didnt go to vote just cuz they had to catch a movie on a day off...wat a lame excuse
