Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Learn Earn & Return—Need of the Hour

Jaago Re Jaago Re Jaago Re! …what comes to your mind when you read these words? Elections…Votes….Tea…Tata…Trust. It’s a perfect example of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). However it is vital not only for big corporate companies to participate in CSR but also mid-sized and small companies to take small but powerful public interest initiatives.

I believe that you meet different people in your life. Some play ordinary roles while some influence you to move ahead and make a change to the society, which further brings that change back. What goes around come around, it’s a law of nature. Learn, Earn & Return is a mantra, I truly believe:

Education is very important for a growing and progressive nation like India. By education I do not mean simply stacking up certificates but practical education that would make a difference in one’s life and the people around him.

Learn, Earn & Return: I believe and want to give my student the power of Learn, Earn and Return.

• I believe success never tastes sweet alone. I want to share my knowledge and leaning with others so they too can pass it on. Remember whatever you give to the society sooner or later it will come back to you. We need to leave a legacy of solid principles and learning for our future generation.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Let’s cut the jargon—it’s not meant for big corporates alone. Each of us should take it up and volunteer to make a difference in whatever way we can. It can be as small as funding 10 cataract operations in a year, scholarships for students like I do or as big as what Tata Tea did. Remember every drop counts. Apart from the goodwill and powerful positive aura that it will bring to your work, you fulfill the role of a responsible citizen—it gives a new dimension and meaning to your life. As Maslow’s Law states—once the basic human needs are fulfilled you seek happiness in higher goals. Here is your chance to achieve that.

Branding & Marketing India Globally: I want India to be outstanding in all fields- Be it Olympics, Travel, Food, Entertainment, Finance, etc. India in itself is a very powerful BRAND. Nano grabbed the word’s attention and so did Slumdog Millionaire—it put India on the global map. India has immense potential and each of us need to do our bit for our country. Let’s start now- take small & powerful steps. As Neil Armstrong said, “I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats. I don't intend to waste any of mine.”

1 comment:

  1. True....CSR shoud be dont by individials too and not leave it to corporates alone
